In 1958, Mario Guerra, a young artisan fascinated by natural materials and intricate craftsmanship, decided to set up a workshop in Recanati, a small Italian town rich in culture and ancient traditions. Thus was born A.R.C.A. (Artigiana Recanatese Corno e Affini), a company specialised in the processing of Zebu horn which is moulded into unique pieces.
With just the hands and the help of fire and a few tools, horn is shaped into timeless objects and reveals its veins that are always different by nature. Horn shades are combined with other precious materials selected with obsessive care in order to obtain exclusive pieces that make their daily gestures unique.
Their vocation for craftsmanship is combined with the respect for the environment. The artisans at Arcahorn adopt low impact solutions and concentrate production at local level. The horns that they source come exclusively from free-range Zebus that are bred in compliance with the ethological habits of the animals.